S T U D I O Z   P E R S O N A L   T R A I N I N G
We provide life results for people and do it through health, fitness, mindset and accountability. We create life strategies to help people get the life, body, health and fitness they want and deserve.

No gimmicks. No diets. No catches. Real food. Real results.  Guaranteed! Completely tailored solutions to achieve healthy and sustainable results that last!
The answer to this question will determine your next move. More energy, focus, confidence, mental toughness, less stress & anxiety, better quality of sleep, & greater life results? Perhaps you have realisd that you are not living your best life and you want to lose some weight and keep it off, get fit and healthy or get that "buffed" body you have always wanted. Whatever your goal, we guarantee your success..The choice is YOURS!
Lose Weight &
Keep It Off
This program targets healthy & sustainable weight loss  & weight management. Our prog ram uses a tailored approach, combining workouts, comprehensive meal plans, & daily fitness & life accountability to meet your weight loss goal & keep it off FOREVER! 
Whether you want to lose as little as 5kg or more than 100kg, this is the program for you! 
Get Fit
& Healthy

This program appeals to those aiming to enhance their overall fitness & health, regardless of weight goals. Perhaps you are simply sick and tired of being sick and tired! This program targets overall fitness, well-being, strength, energy, mindset & provides you with all the tools needed to achieve a sustainable healthy lifestyle to help you be the best version of yourself.

  Ever wondered what your ultimate "fitness model" body looks like? Yes! This program concentrates on achieving a healthily sculpted & buffed physique, focusing on muscle growth & reducing body fat. Every aspect is tailored precisely; nutrition, workouts, accountability & mindset coaching to achieve your best body yet. Only for those committed to their best!

Robb Evans, founder of Studioz, has interviewed people from A-List celebrities, Olympic Gold Medallists and billionaire empire builders to understand what the "best in the world" do with health, fitness and mindset - the key elements of success in your life results strategy.
Kristy Whiting, 30 yrs –
IT Student
“The mind, body and soul transformational journey I’ve undergone with Studioz has been such an amazing experience and I’m extremely grateful. My Coach Robb has designed a tailored nutritional plan along with a training program that has made it possible to achieve my goals. Every step of the way Robb has been there to help support, guide, motivate and encourage me, consistently pushing me to prove to myself that I can and will exceed my expectations. Not just in person, texts, emails and his daily podcasts truly help me stay inspired. Thank you Robb.”
Gary Tones, 35yrs – Pakenham
Sales Consultant
“In 10 weeks, I lost 17.5 kg & am now at the lowest weight I’ve seen in 10 years.  My fitness is amazing as I couldn’t dream of being able to run 10kms or lift the weights that I am.  I fit into the smallest of the clothes in my wardrobe & need to shop for smaller ones! My goals feel so much closer now & I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  What I eat is as much habit as it is choice. Knowing the consequences of those choices is the strongest friend anyone can have for the fight against obesity & weight loss.  Thanks  Robb, I’m a stronger person for meeting you.”
Janice Eshuis, 53yrs – Drouin
Mother of 2
“I was very inspired, particularly by my daughter’s impressive health change and weight loss recently as a result of a personalised eating plan and exercise regime put together by Robb, so decided I needed to follow in her footsteps.  As I’m in my early 50s, going through menopause, and limited in what exercise I can do, I was greatly encouraged to find that successful weight loss is much more about what you put in your mouth than how much exercise you do!  Robb’s encouraging feedback and improvement suggestions help spur me on more than he realises!”
Mark Guley, 59 yrs - Tasmania
"I must say that the nutritional food plan is a big part of the journey, the food is delicious and tailored to my likes and dislikes and I am never hungry, I don't see it as "a diet. I have lost 22kgs in 20 weeks and 53cm in measurements from my body. I feel amazing. Without Robb's encouragement and guidance, I wouldn't have achieved these great results. I know I have a way to go and with Robb's help with the weekly training sessions I feel confident that I will reach my goal weight. Thank you Robb" 
Jen Reincastle, 36 yrs
“Training with Studioz has helped me improve my physical health, mental health and overall wellbeing.  I have now committed to myself with exercise & nutrition to help prolong my health into older age.”
Kristy Whiting, 30 yrs
“The mind, body & soul transformational journey I’ve undergone with Studioz has been an amazing experience.  Robb has designed a tailored nutritional plan & training program making it possible to achieve my goals.”
Lisa Braaksma, 41 yrs
“I’ve lost 19kgs! I feel stronger, fitter & more energised than ever.  I couldn’t have done this without you Studioz. I’ve shrunk everywhere thanks to you and have finally been able reclaim my body after having 7 children!”

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Your Succes is Our #1 Priority
Most Trainers have a run and done mentality. What we have is daily health, fitness, and life accountability.
We treat YOUR health & fitness as preciously as our own.
We guarantee YOUR results!

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20 Whiteley Way, Pakenham VIC 3810
Ph: 0421 287 107
Email: robb@studiozpt.com.au
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 Copyright 2024 Studioz Person al Training    |   Privacy Policy
20 Whiteley W ay, Pakenham VIC 3810
Ph: 0421 287 107
Email: robb @studiozpt.com.au  
