S T U D I O Z   P E R S O N A L   T R A I N I N G
Ruth Eshuis, 27 yrs, Lost 66kgs

As you can see from the before and after photos, Ruth Eshuis has had the most amazing transformation and was the winner of our Client of Year for 2012.  Ruth’s before photo had her peaking at 135kg, and is now an incredible 66kg lighter and has completely transformed her life.  Ruth is such an inspiration to everyone that knows her.  The photos say it all, but Ruth has lost in excess of 2 metres of fat from her chest, waist, hips, thighs and arms.  How did Ruth do it?  The key has been setting her up with a sustainable tailored meal plan based on the foods she likes and coaching her to embed a balanced resistance and cardio program that she can maintain forever.

Becoming healthy has meant so much for me. I feel strong, well, freed and equipped. I love my new routines and eating habits, and the fun of discovering many unexpected benefits of weight loss.  What I’ve learnt with Studioz this year will help me for a lifetime, and it’s even helped my family, friends and co-workers to reach their fitness goals!  Thanks Robb and Studioz”.

Kristy Whiting, 30 yrs, Lost 50kgs

What a phenomenal transformation update we have for you this month. Kristy, who we have featured previously, has reached an incredible milestone of 50kgs of fat loss! That’s right 50kgs in a little more than 12 months! An incredible achievement through focus and commitment to our never-fail nutrition and training approach to life-sustainable weight loss.

Kristy has been driven to success by her hunger to win back her body. With only 15kgs to go to reach her ultimate goal, we have been coaching Kristy to set some longer-term goals beyond her final weight loss.

It’s fair to say that Kristy is on fire and an amazing inspiration to everyone that has seen her transform.

Kristy says:

“The mind, body and soul transformational journey I’ve undergone with Studioz Personal Training has been an amazing experience and I’m extremely grateful.

My Coach Robb has designed a tailored nutritional plan along with a training program that has made it possible to achieve my goals.

Every step of the way Robb has been there to help support, guide, motivate and encourage me, consistently pushing me to prove to myself that I can and will exceed my expectations.”

Lauren Stapleton, 35 yrs, Lost 10kgs

If you’re a Mum and are struggling to get back to your pre-baby body, then please make sure you read Lauren’s story here.  I remember Lauren’s first workout and telling me how sore she felt after her first workout and battling through some pushups, sit ups and squats. If you saw her in a workout now…well…she’s like a machine!!

Lauren has now lost over 10kg of body fat and dramatically changed her body composition by gaining a bunch of muscle and lowing a heap of body fat.  Lauren has lost a total of 45cm off her waist, chest, hips and legs and, I think you will agree after looking at her before and after photos, she is now looking simply amazing.  So many women I see struggle to lose their post-baby weight and try to lose it by doing a lot of cardio exercise (with poor results), but notice dramatic and immediate results when consistently attending Boot Camp and following my individually tailored nutrition plans.

“I had been looking for ways to shift the 30kgs I had put on with my 1st baby.  I had hit a standstill with my weight loss. I had seen other Studioz clients have heaps of success with Robb’s meal plans, so I thought why not!  I have consistently stuck to the meal plan and I am now back to my pre-baby weight and feel great. I still want to lose 5kg more and to tone up more, just so I can once again be my pre-wedding weight. I still attend twice a week. In the last couple of months I’ve also started running again, with the aim of running my first 10km.  Overall I feel great. I highly recommend trying Robb’s meal plan if you are struggling to achieve your weight loss goals”.  Thanks Lauren, you look fantastic!  Celebrate your new look, energy & health!

Karen Westwood, 40 yrs, lost 11.5kgs

Karen has worked hard over 12 weeks and has lost an amazing 11.5kg of fat and a total of 58cm from her arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs.

Karen started her year with a clear goal in mind – to get to her goal weight, stop feeling “blah” all the time and get back into her favourite clothes!  You’ve done a fantastic job Karen and you’re looking great!

Karen says: “It’s made such a difference to me being in regular contact with Robb.  To have someone on your side who gives you the tools to change your bad habits is priceless!  I’ll be at Boot Camp and following your meal plan so I can keep those extra kilos off!!”

You’re welcome Karen and enjoy your new look!

Louise, 29 yrs, lost 11kgs

Louise has a great story of being “signed up” to boot camp by her sister but hasn’t looked back since day 1! Louise has lost a total of 11.7kg in just 11 weeks and reduced an amazing 39.5cm from her arms, chest, waist, hips and legs. Louise is well on the way to achieving her total weight loss goal and proves that hard work, dedication and focus is very powerful in achieving dreams!

Louise says “before boot camp I was tired, I wasn’t sleeping well, had no energy, even going for a walk would tire me out. But now it’s a huge difference – I feel great after each boot camp. I’m back into clothes that I haven’t worn for years! I never thought I’d be able to lose over 11kg in 11 weeks, it’s been amazing”. You’re an inspiration Louise!!

Kelly Colbourne, 33 yrs, lost 10kgs

Kelly Colbourne, local Mum of 3 has now lost over 10kg of fat thanks to her dedication with her intensity at Boot Camp and focus on her nutrition. Kelly has now lost a total of 44cm from her arms, chest, waist, hips and legs and is well on the way to achieving her overall weight loss goal.

I can remember Kelly’s first workout when she found it very difficult to perform a pushup, squat and hold a prone plank position. Look at you now Kelly, reaching personal bests in every component of our recent fitness assessment! Absolutely fantastic job and I know you are enjoying the results of your hard work!

Lindsay Driver, 57 yrs, lost 10.5kgs
Lindsay has now lost over 10.5kg of fat, in approximately 12 weeks, thanks to his dedication and focus during his workouts and with his nutrition. Lindsay has now lost a total of 61.5cm from his arms, chest, waist, hips and legs and is well on the way to achieving his overall weight loss goal.

For all those people thinking they can’t do this, keep in mind that Lindsay had never worked out in a gym prior to coming to see us. Lindsay embraces his meal plan and puts an amazing amount of intensity into each and every workout. Not only has Lindsay achieved some remarkable results, he has also dramatically increased his strength by 55% and improved his cardiovascular fitness by an impressive 21% as demonstrated in his fitness assessments. Absolutely fantastic job Lindsay. I know you are enjoying the results of your hard work, really wonderful to watch your transformation!

Lindsay says: “The training with Studioz is very encouraging and supportive. My great results have given me incentive to continue. I’m now much fitter and have more energy, walking to the shop instead of driving now! I now have more clothes to choose from in my wardrobe and feel much more confident in myself and with my appearance.” Your hard work continues to pay off Lindsay and your transformation will help inspire others to follow in your footsteps.

Jackie Stevens, 50 yrs, Life Change

Jackie is such an inspirational person.  I don’t think I’ve ever met someone that can be as upbeat and positive in light of the health issues that Jackie has encountered in the past few years.  Jackie is also a wonderful example of how dramatically improving your health doesn’t always have to be about the numbers.  Have a read of what she has to say:

“While I had been attending regular personal training sessions with Studioz alongside my husband (Ron Smelter) I had become a little disheartened because I was not losing weight as easily or at the same rate that my husband was.  What made it worse was that I was preparing all the food for us both but we were having very different results! 

I thought that by attending the Body Balance Challenge (BBC) I could discuss with other like minded people the issues that I was having. I was also hopeful of taking away information that would help me with my weight loss journey. 

Half way through the challenge I found that the food plan was not a problem as I had got used to the preparation of each meal and I found that shopping was really easy and I spent a lot less time in the supermarket doing my weekly shop.  Unfortunately I had been experiencing terrible health issues during the challenge but kept on doing as much exercise as I could and sticking to the food plan. It was really beneficial when we had a guest speaker at one of our meetings who had been on the weight loss journey herself and she spoke about the issues that she had experienced initially. It was really great to hear from someone who had been where I was and that she had been so successful and was continuing to live by the principles that she had learnt.  

At the end of the 1st BBC what has really helped me is to know that I am not alone with the issues that I had been experiencing and I don’t feel like such a failure.  I have learnt that any weight loss is good no matter how small that loss is.  I also take away from these 8 weeks a positive view in relation to my health and well being.  I have looked at my life and health issues and have reduced my hours at work to revitalise my life. A saying that I often say “you are here for a good time not a long time” is one that I am actually putting into practice.  Having had a near death experience two years ago I now understand this is “my” time.   Dedicating time to myself is important.  I need to be healthy and fit for myself and my family.  

Thanks to Robb for making me “see the light” about putting myself first and for always being there for me.  I have a long way to go in my weight loss journey but I know that Robb’s support will be unwavering.

After the 1st BBC I decided to sign up for the next one as well.  I can now really start to see and feel the difference that taking part in regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle change can make.  Not only have I lost 8.5kg of weight, reduced body fat by 4.3% and lost a total of 36cm from my chest, hips, waist and thighs, but my hair, skin and nails look so healthy.  I receive a lot of comments on how different I look which makes me feel great and encourages me to continue on my weight loss journey.  I need to lose another 9kgs to get to my goal weight but I know I have all the tools that I need to achieve this. 

Robb continues to be a great support for me on this journey and is always keen to offer great solutions and advice when I need to change my exercises to suit   some health issues that I have been experiencing.  I have learnt that no matter what health hurdles come along there is always something n the form of exercise that you can do.

Robb your dedication to the individual person is second to none and your passion shines through – thanks Robb you have made such a difference to our lives”.

Elaine Forbes, 48 yrs, lost 7.5kgs

Elaine  has done a fantastic job and committing to her training and meal plan and has taken her body to places it hasn’t been in years!!  I still remember Elaine telling me how she felt muscles she never knew she had after that very first session.

In 9 weeks, Elaine lost 7.5kg in weight (9.1% weight loss) reduced body fat & lost a total of 31cm off her chest, waist, hips, thighs & arms.  But Elaine is not stopping there.  She loves her new look, how much more energy she has and how clothes that haven’t fitted for years are now feeling a bit loose!

There have been a couple of key things that Elaine has done to help ensure her consistent results; attended her 3 sessions of boot camp per week, talked to me straight away about getting an individually tailored meal plan for her, stuck to her meal plan and committed completely to each workout.  We’re all so proud of you at boot camp Elaine, you’re awesome!

David Gadalla, 19 yrs, lost 43.7kgs

At age 19, David came to Studioz, feeling out of shape, energy, no goals and very unhappy with himself at 140kgs.

David sent me an email with a picture of what he looks like now.  He wanted to share it because he said that I’d kick started him and he wanted to end up on my “Success Wall” in the studio.

Here’s what he said:

“There’s one individual I used as the main source of my motivation and his name is Kai Greene. He’s an American bodybuilder who struggled with his life had nothing in his pocket but would find money for a gym membership and healthy food. He’s now a top bodybuilder. I applied his beliefs and morals to my life and that is how I changed my mindset. It became a habit to me which I love and can’t live without, there’s no satisfaction like making your own food and enjoying it and going to the gym. It’s got to the point where I’m neurotic about everything and I won’t stop till I achieve my goals”.

Awesome job David, I’m really proud of you a loss of 43.7kg is a huge achievement – you’re on the wall!!  So if you’ve tried and failed before….NEVER give up!  YOU can do it.  Just like David!  Need some inspiration, support and accountability to get you there?

Anna Alderton, 69 yrs, 200% strength increase

Anna Alderton is an inspiration to anyone that says, “I’m too tired”, “too old” or “I can’t do that”! Anna, aged 69 from Pakenham, joined our Pakenham Boot Camp and has achieved amazing results whilst providing incredible inspiration to all the Boot Camp group.

Here’s Anna’s strength improvements in just 4 weeks; 200% increase in her upper body, 32% increase in lower body, 5% increase in arms, 10% increase in abdominals, 6% increase in core, 5% increase in cardiovascular fitness.  Well done Anna, you’re a legend!

Travis Robbins, 34 yrs, lost 16.5kgs

When I first met Travis I knew he was capable of great things, but in 16 short weeks he’s been able to lose 16.5kgs (15% weight loss), reduced body fat by over 6% and lost 37cm off his chest, waist, hips and thighs by training 3 days per week at Studioz, following his individually tailored meal plan and becoming increasingly motivated with his awesome results.

Travis, it’s an absolute pleasure training you and you thoroughly deserve the great results you’ve achieved so far.  Keep shooting for the stars mate!

“I had many reasons for joining Studioz, the biggest one being health issues.  I didn’t want to get to the stage where I just didn’t care anymore and ate whatever I wanted.  I was also sick of going to shops and not being able to buy t-shirts that fitted me.  I was looking around for a Personal Trainer that suited my needs.  I knew that I needed to change my lifestyle and my eating habits and needed to find someone that could help me with that.  My first meeting with Robb was inspirational.  I left the meeting feeling so motivated and confident that I could reach my goal”. 

“Robb had the exact program that I was looking for.  I got immediate results and my confidence and fitness has improved significantly – I’ve now got more energy and don’t get as puffed playing with the kids.  Robb leads the way and has shown me what is required for me to lose weight.  He told me that 70 to 80% of the work was going to be nutrition, so he has set me up on a meal plan that suits me.  They are great meals, I’m eating six times per day and I’m never hungry”.

 “I can’t believe what you’ve done to me Studioz! I love it”.

Brendan Hughan, 42 yrs, lost 7.2kgs
Brendan came to see me 6 weeks out from Christmas with a goal of getting to a weight of 80kg by Christmas Day.  In 4 weeks Brendan not only achieved his goal before Christmas, but completely smashed it!  Brendan lost 7.2kg, and at the time of writing was 78kg, has lost 4.1% of body fat and lost a total of 24.75cm off his chest, waist, hips, thighs and arms.  How did he do it so quickly?  Through the consistent application of his meal plan I tailored specifically for him, completing 3 whole body resistance and 3, 20-30 min, cardio sessions per week.  Brendan has just a handful of kilos to go to reach his goal weight and has received the best present of all for Christmas!

Tina Fahey, 43 yrs, lost 20.9kgs
Just have a look at Tina’s photos.  She has now lost a total of 20.9kg, reduced body fat by almost 10% and lost a total of 77cm off her chest, waist, hips and thighs. As you can see from Tina’s photos, she has completely transformed her physique and is now enjoying shopping for clothes and showing off her new body.  One of the biggest transformations has been Tina’s mind – she has found a new lease of life and now has more energy than ever before, loves her tennis and is loving life!!!!  Fantastic stuff Tina, I’m so proud of what you have been able to achieve.

“I am so grateful to have found you Robb when I did – the only regret I have is that I didn’t find you years earlier!  You have helped change my life in so many ways.  I love my new body and I fit into clothes that I haven’t worn for years.  I have so much more energy and I am just loving life.  Thank you for everything you’ve helped me achieve

Meeting you has been a gift in itself.  I am thankful for all your inspiration, hard work and motivational words.  I look forward to many more training sessions and reaching my ultimate goal.  Thank you again for being such a kind, generous (hard working) friend and trainer. 

You are my inspiration and have turned my life around to a better place.”

Allison Van Roy, 44 yrs, lost 3.8kgs
Alli has completed her 8 week Body Balance Challenge and achieved some fabulous results. Now most people would look at Ali’s before photo and think she didn’t need to lose any weight. But Ali set her sights high on achieving her ultimate body….a bit like putting the icing on the cake. Ali is great example of a situation where you cannot measure success by just looking at the scales. The best way to measure success is review the changes in body composition.  Ali lost 2.5kg on the scales, but her change in body fat composition showed she lost 3.8kg in body fat (5.9% reduction) and increased muscle mass by 1.3kg. Awesome  results Alli and you’ve reached your goal, well done!!

“I was exercising like a mad woman but not losing any weight. Over the 8 weeks of the Challenge I learnt a lot about eating & exercising. The meals on my meal plan are tasty, I am never hungry & my results are fantastic. Thanks Robb for all of your support”

Ron Smelter, 54 yrs, lost 23kgs

Ron lost 23kg in weight (21.7% weight loss) reduced body fat by 12.9% & lost a total of 80cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs.

“I thought I needed to do something about your health and fitness when I was on a business trip overseas and saw a photo of myself sitting in a  hair.  I thought this is not good.  I was also feeling very uncomfortable in my clothes and I kept going up in sizes as my weight kept climbing.    High blood pressure was also very high, I felt tired all the time and often found myself falling asleep in front of the TV.  I was feeling fat, had no energy at the end of the day and could not be bothered doing anything at all once I was home from work sitting in a comfy chair.

When I think about the results I’ve achieved, I feel great.  Getting the weight off and getting my body back in shape has been great, but best of all, my health is good, my blood pressure is down to safe levels, I have heaps of energy and I don’t like sitting around in the comfy chair.  I feel like I need to do something and get out and enjoy life.   I’m enjoying getting back into bike riding again.  I love training, it’s just part of my life now.

Training with Studioz has helped change my life.   I feel that I now have the tools and knowledge to carry me through life.  I feel like I’ve now struck the right balance between my working life and health.  I’ve put myself first, so that I can make sure my health doesn’t spiral out of  control, whilst still getting my work done. 

 One other great thing has come out of my training.  My wife has seen the results, she is very happy and she tells me I am hot….that feels great!   She has now started with Robb and is doing really well… so soon I will be able to say the same to her.  Thanks for everything Robb”.

Kez Shiels, 27 yrs, lost 20.7kgs
Kez lost 20.7kg in weight (24.3% weight loss) reduced body fat by 19.5% & lost a total of 97.25cm off her chest, waist, hips & thighs. People that haven’t seen me for awhile can’t believe just how much I’ve changed my body and all want to know what I’m doing and how!  I love my training, have now taken up some bike riding and recently had my cholesterol test done and it’s the lowest it’s ever been!”

Sam Bailey, 34 yrs, lost 11kgs

In 12 weeks Sam lost 11kg in weight (11% weight loss) reduced body fat by 5.4% & lost a total of 36cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs. The time came being, a new Dad that I needed a new fitness & health direction.  I began investigating personal trainers online and Studioz  Personal Training stood out locally.  The website was professional and full of useful information – many other trainer websites promoted themselves and lacked client testimonial / results information.  After making initial contact through the website, I had a response back from Robb that night and my first meeting the following night – within a few days I was on my way and to begin a life changing experience.

From my first visit Robb’s professionalism and a genuine interest in clients needs was clearly evident –  my program was well measured and each week I felt that I was able to work towards new fitness / health goals. The nutrition program was so easy to follow and cooking  reparation was minimal.  I loved the food.  The studio is a great environment to train in with the quality equipment and continual support – this support isn’t restricted to the training studio, you can always find Robb approachable outside your training hours with a question on your home training.

I’m very pleased and proud with my results throughout the program.  The weight loss, improved strength and cardio fitness have all been measured and documented by Robb, so it’s clear to see the improvements.  Before starting the program I was spending $60 on medication a month.  Within the first month this expense had halved and now, having completed the program I’m medication free – that’s a yearly saving of $720!  It’s a great feeling when my customers and suppliers notice the body change, it’s a great buzz!  The buzz I now have to continue living this way is exciting and I’m 100% confident that its now habit and will encourage my family to live a healthy and active lifestyle.   I’m looking forward to completing my first half marathon in 2012 and trekking Kakoda by the age of 40.

Thanks Robb it’s been a life changing experience”.

Tiz, Justine & Naomi Murray, Overland Track

"My two daughters and I first went to Robb after hearing great reports from past clients, who thought he was wonderful.  We needed to be pushed that little bit further in preparation for a nine-day hike in Tasmania and he proved to be the right person for the task.  He listened to what our goals were, and then formulated a training program, even to the extent of buying specific equipment to get the best fitness from us.  He was just as dedicated in getting us to our goal as we were!

We highly recommend Robb.  He’s the best coach to have in your corner.  His knowledge of nutrition is extensive and is so easily incorporated into a daily eating regime, it helps in both losing weight if that is what you need or in maintaining energy for your active life. Thank you for your guidance, advice, support and training for our Overland Track trek, but also for the long term.  Your advice has well and truly benefited them, and I want you to know that I really appreciate the positive and sensible influence you have had on my daughters and myself.

It’s a lifelong habit, one that will result in better health and ultimately happiness because we have given our bodies the best shot in keeping fit and enabling us to pursue our goals.  Thank you, Robb, for helping us to achieve our goal and for guiding us to a healthier, active lifestyle”.

Jennifer Byrne, 33 yrs, lost 12kgs

Jennifer lost 12kg in weight (12% weight loss) reduced body fat by 4.6% & lost a total of 54.5cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs.

“Being in the health sector myself for many years, as well as having a husband and two children under five, I have been an educator, motivator and nurturer for others.  However one day I realised that all of the time and effort that I had put into others, with many great rewards, was at the expense of my health and well being.  I was finding that I was tired all the time, had a very low mood and wasn’t enjoying life the way I wanted to.

I went to see Robb as I found that, although I had knowledge in health, nutrition and exercise, I found it difficult to stay motivated and apply the principles to myself.  Robb told me that day that my quest to achieve results would stop with him!!  He was right!!  I signed up for the 12 week Nutritional program and, a little later, Boot Camp.  I believe the results I have achieved are due to a combination of winning factors;  a simple nutritional program designed to achieve results – specifically tailored to my goals and lifestyle,  as well as having the support and accountability that Robb provides.

The Boot Camps have really kicked off the weight and improved my fitness.  I have to admit, I’m addicted – I would never work so hard on my own!!  Thanks again Robb, it has been a great journey so far and look forward to the next 12 kilos coming off too!!”

Dinah Jacob, 44 yrs, health overhaul

“Prior to starting the Body Balance Challenge (BBC) with Studioz, I was overweight, tired all the time, high blood pressure, extremely unfit and mentally very unstable.  I couldn’t make informed decisions.  I needed some major changes in my life.  Only I could make those changes.  Once I made the decision to join the BBC and started Boot Camp, my life changed very quickly!!!!

If I think about what has been my biggest transformation, it has probably has been the inner transformation I have made.  I am making much better and more stable and sensible decisions.  I think that once you have a healthy mind you can make well-informed decisions about your inner health and future.  Health wise I am no longer tired all the time, my weight is shrinking slowly but surely, my blood pressure has dropped and my doctor feels that if I stay on track, I will be off medication within the next 6 months.

I have so much more energy and I can even shoot hoops with my son at basketball. I started feeling better after just 1 week.  The first week was hard with the exercise and meal plan.  Every muscle in my body hurt and the meal plan was a struggle at the start.  But I had more energy after just one Boot Camp session and with just a bit of healthy eating.  With each week I feel better and better.  Now I need to wear a belt to hold my pants up!!   I’m wearing jeans I have not worn for at least two years and I no longer have the huge roll of flab hanging over my waistband.

With each week that passes, I feel fitter and I just can’t go a day without some form of exercise.  If I do, I feel lousy.  When I first went to see you Robb and you mentioned Boot Camp, just the thought of the words Boot Camp put the fear of god into me!!  How embarrassing.   Lugging my flab around in front of other skinny people – No way!!!  Once I could see that I could work at my own pace, I was convinced, so I just did it.

Well Robb, I don’t even know where to begin.  This is such a major change in my life.  I LOVE IT!!! I enjoy the workout.  I enjoy the social aspect.   Most of all, I enjoy how I feel.  Oh my god, I have energy. I sleep better.  I don’t need a sleep in the afternoon (unless I play up the night before).  I don’t feel stressed anymore.  My husband thanks you.   I don’t nag at him to change his job and come home.  I have better coping mechanisms.   Mentally I am alive again.  I can think.  I’m a better Mum.  I have recently done a facebook clean out.  I have gotten rid of all those people who were bad influences on my life and I feel that this is because of my mental changes.   I know it sounds weird but I am just cleaning up every aspect of my life.  Even my cupboards are looking healthier!!!  My grocery bill is less and my family is getting healthier as well.

I can’t believe the amount of information I have learnt since starting this challenge.  The information is amazing and I find myself starting to just know what to do and how to do it now.  I’m getting better and better at it.  My gratitude goes out to you, Robb for passing on all this information and teaching me to love healthy food and exercise and to make the right choices.  I still have a long way to go and keeping up with Boot Camp, I feel still keeps me accountable.  I feel that I have the information and, believe it or not, the motivation to continue on until I reach my weight loss goal! “

Jenni Marshall, 44 yrs, lost 13kgs

“My battle with emotional eating has been a life long  struggle and has caused a yo-yo effect in my weight.  In September 2010 I found myself at 132kg, I  made an appointment with my doctor who gave me a script for some ‘pharmaceutical’  assistance.  I never had the script  filled.

Instead I decided to take control and booked myself in with  Robb’s next Boot Camp.  I was the oldest,  fattest, slowest and weakest of the campers, but I was determined.  I lost 7kgs in the first four weeks, but I  was not getting a good handle on my nutrition. So I joined Studioz’ Body Balance eight week Challenge so  that I could get a better grasp of nutrition. Everyone had noticed the change  in me, were asking what I was doing and congratulating me on my efforts.  My t-shirts were becoming less tight, my  fitness had increased amazingly, I moved my home exercise equipment to a more  convenient place in the house. I couldn’t wait to get my eating plan, couldn’t  wait to weigh-in, couldn’t wait to get started.

The BBC has taught me above everything else that this is a  life long journey.  It didn’t begin eight  weeks ago and ends today.  Every day I am  discovering more about myself and how my emotions affect my eating.  It is a struggle that I continue to have, but  I am more aware of the ollercoaster I can put myself on by not paying  attention to what I put in my mouth.  I  continue to follow the principles Robb has taught me regarding the need to  effectively balance protein, carbs, fats and calories.  I get the need for protein and ensure that I  have adequate protein foods throughout the day.  I like the six meals per day approach and find  I never really get hungry.  If I stick to  the six meals per day I am less likely to hit the ‘craving zone’.  When I’m feeling tired and lethargic I know it’s  because I have missed fuelling my body with the healthy carbs required to feel  energetic and get me through the day.  Boot  Camp keeps me motivated to stay on track.

One of the biggest changes I have noticed is my core  strength.  My body now supports itself.  I tense a part of my body and there are  muscles there!!  Amazing!!!  My daughter loves wrestling on the bed.  It used to hurt.  Now we can enjoy a good wrestle and it doesn’t  hurt at all.

Even though I am still overweight, I’m continuing on my weight loss journey.  I am so much more  comfortable in my own skin.  I have  started wearing make-up more often, doing my nails and generally looking after  myself.  I am able to fit into clothes  which are more flattering and am finding the need to cover up the bulges less  and less necessary.  I’m starting to feel  good about myself and who I am.  I have  recently returned to work and know that I would have struggled to do so in  times gone by.

The BBC has not only taught me valuable lessons in health,  nutrition and exercise, it has taught me how to deal with and eliminate  behaviours that have caused me to be on that weight loss rollercoaster ride for far too long.  Thanks Robb”.

Ros Davenport, 33 yrs, lost 8.2kgs

In 12 weeks, Ros  lost 8.2kg in weight (12% weight loss) reduced body fat by 5% & lost a total of 44cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs.

“After giving birth to my third child in November, I was motivated to regain my body and my fitness levels in order to keep up with three children and to get back onto the netball court.  The only way to dedicate some time for myself was to sign up boot  camp for women with Studioz.  Knowing that there were three sessions every  week and feeling the support from the group kept me committed to achieving my goals.  It was fun to exercise with the girls and make new friends.

I  have now reached my goal weight, I feel energetic and am enjoying being fit and  healthy and I can keep up with the younger girls on the netball court!  If  you’re thinking of getting fit or are struggling to dedicate time for your  fitness, I would highly recommend Studioz’s Boot Camp – a place where you can  achieve goals with the support from other women and a trainer who believes in  you.  Thanks Robb”.

Pieta Mackin, 23 yrs, lost 9kgs

Pieta has lost 9kg in weight (11% weight loss), reduced body fat by 3.5% and lost a total of 43.5cm off her arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs.

"Prior to starting with Studioz I was at one of the heaviest weights I have been in my life, I was lacking confidence and, due to a change in my career, had lost the focus of my health and fitness.  I needed someone to shock me back into shape.  The initial conversation with Robb was interesting to say the least, and I think we established that we both had quite a challenge ahead of us but not an impossible one!

The initial training was a definite shock for me, I had never entertained the idea of lifting weights to lose weight and had always thought that it was for bulking up and bodybuilders.  My new saying quickly became “this won’t make me look bulky, will it?”  But Robb was persistent so, as a result, so was I and the results couldn’t have been better!  The weight started shifting quickly, and I started feeling stronger, fitter and just overall more confident and capable in every facet of my life.  I am now 10kgs lighter than when I first began and now know the steps I need to take to stay at this weight.  I view exercise and diet in a much different light these days and realise the importance of food and what I put into my body and also how I use that energy.

Robb has been so much more than a trainer during this time, he has become a friend, a psychologist, a financial adviser and at times the voice of reason that I really didn’t want to hear but needed to.  His patience is amazing and his dedication and determination to get you to where you want to be is inspiring to say the least.

I feel quite passionate about Studioz and the work that Robb does and would have no qualms recommending him to anyone!  Partaking in Robb’s training regime has been without a doubt one of the best decisions I have made in the last 5 years of my life and will be for a long time to come.   His program is suitable for all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels and is one that I will rave to anyone about, given half the chance!”

Joe Barratt, 11 yrs, regaining confidence

"We purchased a voucher that Robb had donated to a local Kindergarten fundraising event, hoping to use it for our son Joe, who is 11 years old.  Joe was having trouble running; unable to keep-up with the other kids at school in games of chasey / tiggy, and always coming last in every foot race, being a long way behind everyone else.  Joe was getting very unhappy and upset, and wished he could just run faster. He was starting to feel embarrassed and demoralised.   Robb was tuned-in to how Joe’s problems with running were affecting his confidence, self-esteem and ability to make friends.

Robb empathised with Joe and very quickly established a rapport with Joe, and with us.  Robb quickly identified the problems with Joe’s running style and technique, and through videoing Joe’s running, Robb was able to clearly show all of us.  Robb was not just looking at improving Joe’s experiences for now but was also focused on the physical problems Joe may have encountered in the future if things weren’t corrected now.  Robb developed a number of strategies that corrected the problems Joe was having.  He even sought advice from a client who is a professional runner who validated Robb’s findings and solutions and gave Robb a couple of extra pointers to try.

Robb demonstrated a wonderful coaching ability.  He had realistic expectations of Joe and always gave positive feedback and praise.  Robb gave instructions in a way Joe could easily understand.  He was very patient, kind and generous with Joe and Joe found him very easy to talk to (as did we).  Robb made the sessions fun and interesting for Joe (and us).  We saw immediate results (in the second session) and definite improvements in Joe’s running, including style, technique, speed and confidence.  It was amazing how quickly Joe’s running improved. Robb’s facilities are excellent, and he even made use of his outdoor area as that was the best place to teach Joe.  Robb also spoke about nutrition and maintaining good health and again made it specific for 11-year-old Joe.  This resulted in a number of positive changes in our household.  We hold Robb, with his knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities in the highest regard.

The time spent with Robb was incredibly valuable and worthwhile and we are so thankful to have had this experience. We are all happier and healthier thanks to Robb.

Karleen Elledge, 37 yrs, lost 7kgs

In 10 weeks Karleen lost 7kg in weight (5.1% weight loss), reduced body fat & lost a total of 23.25cm off chest, waist, hips, thighs & arms.

"10 weeks ago I could not look in the mirror without sticking my tongue out at the reflection that stared back at me. I was disgusted at what I saw. I hid myself from my husband, changing into my pyjamas in the bathroom before entering the bedroom.  

I have now changed the way that I look at food and think before I put something in my mouth.  I know that I have the skills required to continue on the path to a healthier and happier future.  Thanks Robb for all your support and encouragement and helping me change my life.”

Ian Silk, 38 yrs, lost 9kgs

In 10 weeks Ian lost 9kg in weight (6.3% weight loss), reduced body fat by 2.1% & lost a total of 26.5cm off chest, waist, hips, thighs & arms.

"10 weeks ago, prior to Studioz, I looked and felt lazy lethargic even go so far and extreme as to say exhausted, If I stopped moving literally, I would fall asleep.  I was recently diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and only months prior had undergone surgery for a hernia operation. This took place whilst I was wide awake because, due to my weight and my sleep Apnoea, the Anaesthetist refused to put me under general anaesthetic.

It takes something drastic like the operation and the Sleep Apnoea to shake you up and wake you up.  Watching a surgeon cut through you why you are wide awake and then pull and prod the layers of fat out of the way shocked me into reality.  10 weeks later and WOW!  9kgs lighter, 2.4% body fat less and a total of 27.5cm off my arms, legs waist and chest.  I feel great.  I hit a wall about week 6/7 but the good thing about being with Studioz is that I was never doing this journey alone, I had the accountability to myself as well as Robb. This helped me gain more momentum to get back on track and push even harder. Thanks Studioz for everything you’ve done for me”.

Michelle Tones, 35 yrs, lost 8kgs

In 10 weeks Michelle lost 8kg in weight (11.3% weight loss), reduced body fat by 5.9% & lost a total of 23cm off chest, waist, hips, thighs & arms.

“10 weeks after starting with Studioz I look and feel great.  It has taken me back to a time in my 20’s when I felt good about myself.   I have lost a total of 8 kg and I’m only 4 kg away from that dream number. I am healthier and fitter than ever, have secured my dream job, can fit into clothes I haven’t worn for years and wear figure hugging clothes to show off my new shape instead of hiding it.

Thanks Robb for all your help and advice. I never would have achieved these results on my own.”

Cheryl Sayer, 32 yrs, lost 6kgs
In 10 weeks Cheryl lost 6kg in weight (9.5% weight loss), reduced body fat by & lost a total of  16.5cm off chest, waist, hips, thighs & arms.

Wendy Wishart, 44 yrs, lost 6.5kgs
In 8 weeks Wendy lost 6.5kg in weight (10.5% weight loss), reduced body fat by 4.2% & lost a total of 27cm off chest, waist, hips, thighs & arms.

"The best compliment I can give Robb at Studioz is being there every week supporting and encouraging me through thick and thin.  Without that I don’t think I would have achieved the results that I did.  His weekly coaching and emails were very positive and made me focus 100%.  Being Coeliac, it was a real eye opener, with Robb’s simple Nutritional Plan, it gave me a whole new perspective on food.  So I can now maintain a healthier lifestyle for me, as well as my family.  Thanks heaps Robb xx.”

Kathy Davis, 36 yrs, lost 5kgs
In 8 weeks Kathy lost 5kg in weight (6.5% weight loss), reduced body & lost a total of 16.5cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs.

I definitely love the fitter and healthier me and I plan to take on all that I have learnt to improve my own, and my family’s, life nutritionally. I want to remain healthy and fit and now realise how much nutrition plays a major role in a healthy lifestyle and not just exercise! Thank you Robb, your advice and support has made the whole process very rewarding.”

Silvia Bourne, 40 yrs, Life Change
In 8 weeks Sylvia lost 7.5kg in weight, reduced body fat by 5.7% and lost a total of 10.5cm off chest, waist, hips, and thighs. We then went on to work with Sylvia on some important life strategies.

I have been running a small home-based business working in the Virtual Assistant sector for the past 7 years.  Due to a series of events that life threw in my way, I unfortunately lost direction, focus and clarity.

Robb reached out to me during a difficult time in my life and I am eternally grateful and thankful he did. I have been working with Robb for 4 months now and the transformation is incredible.
Robb has the ability to:-

  • peel back the layers to get to the heart of complex issues
  • take you back to basics to get clarity
  • use quality examples to explain things clearly
  • provide templates and scripts to help me through the process
  • ask questions and if that didn’t work - asks a better quality question to get to the core of issues
  • never gives up and is always on the lookout for a different approach if the current one isn’t working
  • keep me accountability for my actions and always follows up on those action items
  • answers queries promptly
  • if tasks assigned didn’t sit well - we would revisit them until we got it right
  • assign incredibly powerful exercises and programs to achieve major breakthroughs and many light bulb moments
He was also able to help me identify:-
  • the heart of issues that were stopping me from moving forward
  • reconnect with what was important to me
  • change negative internal dialogue to positive internal dialogue  
  • remind me of my strengths
  • weaknesses that were holding me back
  • challenge my thinking
  • focus on the right things

Robb is honest, compassionate and extremely supportive and his insight in dealing with difficult and complex issues is truly amazing.
Robb is an outstanding business and life coach with a holistic approach and I highly recommend him to anyone wanting to go to the next level."

Neville Clements, 57 yrs, lost 7kgs
In 8 weeks Neville lost 7kg in weight (7.6% weight loss), reduced body fat by 3.8% & lost a total of 21.5cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs.

“I have been carrying extra weight since I gave up smoking some 7 years ago. The motivation to lose the weight was always there, just the timing was wrong. Once I made the commitment to the BBC, I had little difficulty in adhering to my diet and exercise. Since changing my ways and eating healthy foods, I have enjoyed the positive impact that it’s having on my day-to-day life. This challenge has helped me be healthier and has enabled me to play sport and do physical work in a way I was not able to before BBC. I am continually getting comments from friends and colleagues telling me that I look good and that gives me the motivation to continue on to reach my final weight loss goal.”

Stephen Duggan, 41 yrs old, lost 9.25kgs
“If you care for your health and fitness and want to go a gym where the trainer actually cares about YOU then this is the place to go, I give it a 10 out of 10. I lost an incredible 9.25kgs in just 6 weeks on Studioz’ Ab Blaster program. I look and feel fantastic and everyone that knows me can’t believe the transformation that I’ve made. Thanks Studioz!”

Gary Tones, 35 yrs, lost 17.5kgs

In 10 weeks Gary lost 17.5kg in weight (12.6% weight loss), reduced body fat by 5.3% & lost a total of 46.5cm off chest, waist, hips & thighs.

“Over the 10 weeks, I managed to lose 17.5 kg and am now at the lowest weight I’ve seen in 10 years.  My fitness is amazing as I couldn’t dream of being able to run 10kms or lift the weights that I am.  I fit into the smallest of the clothes in my wardrobe and actually need to shop for some smaller ones.  I’ve even thrown away the clothes that no longer fit.

My goals feel so much closer now and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  What I eat is as much habit as it is choice and knowing the consequences of those choices is the strongest friend anyone can have for the fight against obesity and weight loss.  Thanks for the knowledge Robb, I’m a stronger person for meeting you”.

Vanessa Reece, 37 yrs, lost 31kgs

Vanessa has lost 31kg in weight (31% weight loss), reduced body fat by 14% and lost a total of 104cm off her chest, waist, hips, arms & thighs.

“Where do I start on describing a journey of self-discovery? Over the last 10 months I’d managed to lose about 20kgs by changing my eating habits and joining Pakenham Boot Camps for Women. However, I’d felt I’d reached a plateau and had decided to join Robb’s Body Balance Challenge desperately wanting to continue my weight loss journey, but, with the mindest of it not being possible. I was convinced I’d lost as much fat as my body was willing to part with and, no matter what I did, this was the weight I was destined to be.

I figured that I had already ahcieved so much in the last 12 months and I already felt quite happy with my energy and fitness levels, so I was not expecting to notice any massive differences in a short time of 8 weeks of the Body Balance Challenge.  How wrong could I be!  The absolute highlight of the challenge had to be the day of my 37th birthday, and the date I had set to reach  an important weight loss goal – 30kg of weight loss.  I did it, 30.3kg!  To try and put that feeling into words is impossible and definitely a d ay I will remember for the rest of my life.

I’m now at the end of this incredible 8 week challenge and I’m struggling to find the words to explain how much my life has changed in such a short time.  The obvious changes have occured, including a total weight loss of 10.1kg, and a further increase in my energy levels and fitness.  My self-belief has improved dramatically and I now know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to through hard work and determinination.

I have also learnt the importance of goal setting and accountability.  I have actually set myself some goals to achieve by the end of the year and for the first time in my life I know that I can achieve them!  My health and fitness goals from here include reaching my goal weigh as well as reducing my body fat percentage and toning specific areas of my body.  More importantly, I have also set myself a goal of learning to love my body as it is – something that will have a dramatic impact on my overall happiness and well-being.

Robb, you are amazing and just don’t realise what a positive impact you have on people’s lives!  Life is too short to sit back and just accepts where you end up.  It’s not hard to stand up, set goals and reach for the stars.

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows……”

Sarah Ham, 27 yrs old, lost 9.5kgs
Sarah has now lost 9.5kg, significantly reduced her body fat levels and lost over 40cm from her chest, waist, hips and legs.  In the process, by following her Studioz tailored meal plan, we’ve been able to coach Sarah to dramatically reduce her cigarette and soft drink intake, increase the amount of healthy food she is consuming, build some serious muscle through her personal training sessions, improve her self-image and have a huge positive uplift in her energy and concentration levels.  Well done indeed Sarah – you are an amazingly focused young woman and an absolute pleasure to train.

"Before I started to see Robb I was always unwell, tired and cranky. 8 months later I have lost a ton of weight and I feel great.

I have more energy and barely get sick and I attribute it to my new healthy eating plan and personal training.  Without Robb’s support both through PT and my meal plan, this would have been unachievable, thanks Robb!”

Janice Eshuis, 53 yrs, lost 11.4kgs
Janice is an inspiration to those people that think they’re too old or have too many health issues to start taking control of their health and fitness.  Janice has been inspired by her daughter Ruth, Studioz 2013 Client of the Year, who has now lost over 70kg from her highest weight level.  Despite issues that would have convinced others there was no way forward, Janice has pushed through to achieve some absolutely awesome results to date.  Janice has now lost 11.4kg, significantly reduced her body fat levels and lost over 59cm from her arms, chest, waist, hips and legs.  I’m really proud of you Janice, great job and keep up the great work and you’ll reach your goal before you know it!

"I was inspired particularly by my daughter’s impressive weight loss recently as a result of a personalized eating plan and exercise regime put together by Robb, so decided I needed to follow in her footsteps, but asked for a Gluten-Free plan, to see if it would also help my long-standing inflammatory bowel condition and my recently diagnosed Type 2 diabetes.  As I’m in my early 50s, going through menopause, and limited in what exercise I can do, I was greatly encouraged to find that successful weight loss is much more about what you put in your mouth than how much exercise you do!  I’m getting there, slowly but surely – Robb’s encouraging remarks and suggestions help spur me on more than he realises!”

Lisa Braaksma, 41 yrs, lost 19kgs

Lisa is a great example of a focused woman on a mission to “win back” her body! Lisa is the mother of 7 children and has been consistently working on achieving her weight loss goal. As you can see from Lisa’s before and after photos, she has lost 19kg and had a dramatic reduction in centimetres from her entire body. Lisa has had an awesome increase in her strength and fitness and now has more energy to chase after her 7 kids!! Good things come to those that work consistently on sustainable healthy habits, such as following a sensible tailored nutrition plan and consistently working out with us 3 days per week.

“I couldn’t have done this without you Robb. I’ve shrunk everywhere, thank you!!”   

Mark Guley, 59 yrs, lost 23kgs

A picture is worth a thousand words, what an amazing transformation Mark has undertaken. Nothing radical. Smart & sensible, healthy & sustainable exercise and nutrition. Here’s what Mark had to say:

I went to Studioz for an initial consult as I was wanting to change the way my life was heading. Not sure what to expect, I met Robb, and felt at ease from the word go.

I started a nutritional plan that Robb had put together and a regular exercise regime. Within the first 20 weeks I have lost 22kgs and 53cm in total. Without Robb’s encouragement and guidance I wouldn’t have achieved these great results. I know I have a way to go and with Robb’s help with the weekly training sessions I feel confident that I will reach my goal weight.

I must also say that the nutritional food plan is a big part of the journey, the food is delicious and tailored to my likes and dislikes and I am never hungry, I don’t see it as “a diet”.
Kelly Andrews, 30 yrs, lost 23kgs

Kelly has now lost over 22kgs!

“Before Boot Camp I ate reasonably well.  Even though I was trying to lose weight, Studioz’ Nutrition program showed me that I wasn’t eating enough food or enough meals per day.  At the beginning, eating six meals per day felt like I was eating soooo much food.  But after a while my body adjusted, and I got used to it.   Although I had lost weight prior to starting Boot Camp, I couldn’t shift those stubborn remaining kilos I needed to get off to achieve my goal weight.

I joined Boot Camp to try and get the results!   In conjunction with what I’ve done on my own, and Boot Camp, over the past 12 months I’ve now lost over 22 kgs.  Since commencing Boot Camp and the Nutrition program, I feel awesome!   I got great results, I have more energy, I’m staying motivated, and, best of all, I’m fitting into my old clothes – so I am very happy Boot Camp has enabled me to meet lots of nice people and I’ve enjoyed working out with the group.

What I would you say to someone thinking about starting a program with Studioz is do it!!  You won’t regret it, and you will have fun doing it!!

Sue Neale, 47 yrs, Life Saving

Studioz saved my life!

“I love the outdoors and get involved in a few sporting activities that not too many women enjoy – I love hunting!  However, to be successful in this sport, you need to fit and strong.  Achieving an increased level of strength and fitness was a major goal for me and losing weight as also a goal.  Robb has been able to dramatically improve my fitness with a tailored program to suit me.

My fitness was put to a real-life test in Sept 2010.  During one of my hunting trips, I had to cross a swollen river while carrying a full backpack and a rifle.  I was only about halfway across when my feet were swept out from under me.  At that stage I wasn’t concerned as I was heading for shallow water where I thought I could get out.  Unfortunately, that “plan” didn’t work because the current was far too strong to stop myself.
Instead, I was swept into the deep part of the river and by now my backpack had filled up even more with water.

After being dragged down beneath the water twice, I knew I had to remove my backpack which meant I needed to first remove my rifle. So, while completely submerged for the third time I removed my two-way radio, my rifle (which was crossed over my shoulders & chest) and finally my backpack (which was double-clipped).  It took all my strength and energy to stop from sinking completely and to swim up while still carrying all that gear in my hands – thank God for squats and leg presses!

I did take water into my lungs and yes, I honestly thought I was going to die.  So, I paddled as hard as I could until I came clear of the water, laid straight onto my back and slowly made my way across the current till I reached the bank – about 80 metres downstream from where I went in.   If this little “adventure” had happened a couple of months earlier, I would not be here today to tell the story.  I truly have Robb to thank for helping me gain my strength and level of fitness I needed that day.

The nutrition plan that Robb develops are wonderfully easy to follow – and the best part is they’re based on real, everyday foods.  No packaged, pre-cooked, microwave meals.  I’ve also found ways to packing healthy foods to go camping and hunting with – even snacks that fit into my backpack.

Thank you, Robb, for working with me.  You are an excellent coach – motivating me when I felt down and out, pushing me when I thought I’d reached my limits, making me accountable for all my actions, and most importantly rewarding me when I achieved my successes.

Keep up the amazing work that you are doing!”

Alex, 23 yrs, lost 19.5kgs

In 12 weeks, Alex lost 19.5kg in weight (18.8% weight loss), reduced body fat by 9.4% & lost a total of 69.5cm off chest, waist, hips, thighs & arms.

“Training with Robb has been great.  I could not have achieved these results without him. He is friendly, motivating, encouraging and has insight and knowledge in how best to achieve the weight loss. I weighed 104kg when I first met Robb and now am currently 85.5kg, we achieved this in a period of time I wasn’t expecting (12 weeks – early January 2011). What a great way to start the New Year!

My advice to anyone considering weight loss is, if you are 100% committed to lose weight once and for all, or you want to achieve your own personal fitness / health goals, sit down and have a chat with Robb today.  You will, without question, be able to achieve your fitness goals.  The nutrition program Robb provided me was straight forward and easy to maintain with enjoyable foods.  I never really felt I was dieting but just eating healthily.

The sessions with Robb in the gym are fantastic.  Training with him has been really great and I always feel I’m getting an awesome workout.  My before and after photos just seem unreal, and this was in 12 weeks!  I’m looking forward to 2011 and continuing my training with Robb so we can reach my goal weight of 80kg.  My lifestyle has changed noticeably, and I feel like I am a different person.  I’m more confident in other aspects of my life, feeling happy and I’m enjoying everyday life!”

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20 Whiteley W ay, Pakenham VIC 3810
Ph: 0421 287 107
Email: robb @studiozpt.com.au  
