S T U D I O Z   P E R S O N A L   T R A I N I N G
Have you always wondered what your ultimate "fitness model" body looks like? Yes! This program concentrates on achieving a sculpted & aesthetically appealing physique, emphasising muscle development & body toning.

We prioritise muscle growth & definition, striving for a lean & muscular / toned physique. This program is tailored very precisely in nutrition, workouts, tracking, accountability & mindset coaching to achieve your full potential.

Not for the faint of heart. For those 
committed to their best body EVER! The biggest change with this program is nutrition, accountability, and for those ready to ditch your excuses and commit to doing what it takes to succeed healthily and sustainably. Personally, this is my favourite program - it will change your life forever!

Watch the video below for a further introduction to the program.....
Learn about our approach to helping you Get Buffed, then click on the button below to register for your FREE Consultation (in-person or via zoom). I can't wait to start working with YOU! 
Your Succes is Our #1 Priority
Most Trainers have a run and done mentality. What we have is daily health, fitness, and life accountability.
We treat YOUR health & fitness as preciously as our own.
We guarantee YOUR results!

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20 Whiteley Way, Pakenham VIC 3810
Ph: 0421 287 107
Email: robb@studiozpt.com.au
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 Copyright 2024 Studioz Person al Training    |   Privacy Policy
20 Whiteley W ay, Pakenham VIC 3810
Ph: 0421 287 107
Email: robb @studiozpt.com.au  
