Allison Van Roy, Mother of 2, 44 years old, Cleaning Business Owner, Pakenham

Alli has completed her 8 week Body Balance Challenge and achieved some fabulous results. Now most people would look at Ali’s before photo and think she didn’t need to lose any weight. But Ali set her sights high on achieving her ultimate body….a bit like putting the icing on the cake. Ali is great example of a situation where you cannot measure success by just looking at the scales. The best way to measure success is review the changes in body composition.  Ali lost 2.5kg on the scales, but her change in body fat composition showed she lost 3.8kg in body fat (5.9% reduction) and increased muscle mass by 1.3kg. Awesome  results Alli and you’ve reached your goal, well done!!

If you think that our women only Boot Camps are not intense, then come and watch Ali work out. Her face in these two photos shows the intensity that she brings to very single session. Awesome stuff Alli, congratulations on your fantastic results!

“I was exercising like a mad woman but not losing any weight. Over the 8 weeks of the Challenge I learnt a lot about eating & exercising. The meals on my meal plan are tasty, I am never hungry & my results are fantastic. Thanks Robb for all of your support”